Sunday, January 7, 2018

Dusting this thing off...

Writing is a truly reflective process and in the midst of busy schedules and priority pulls, I have  lost my way with writing on this blog. I've decided that Sunday before family dinner is the best time to write a weekly post. What do you want to learn about? Discuss? I hope this blog can be a catalyst for topics around Deeper Learning Equity and school design. 

Some of the topics on my mind that I plan to blog about are:
1. Our new virtual reality project that was just funded by The Heinz Endowments and will explore immersive storytelling with our partner Social VR.
2. The power of "leaving to learn" in schools - particularly internships.
3. Pre-Apprentice programs and competency based assessment.
4. Student-led exhibitions and other alternative forms of assessment.
5. Mastery based learning. 
6. Equity; all about it in schools. 
7. Partnerships between industry, higher-education and schools to create learning ecosystems.
8. Girls in STEM - my focus will never go away with this topic. 

Designing together with folks interested in the intersection of
equity, remaking learning and innovation.  

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